Wednesday, December 10

Tidings of Comfort and Joy

December is speeding past and I just can't stay caught up with my to-do list. I did manage a little time though to get this freebie uploaded. Here is a two page quickpage for you - I hope you enjoy it! I always have a ton of pictures from Christmas so I like having collage-type pages for my Christmas albums so that I can showcase alot of photos at once. Just click on the image and it will take you to the download site. If you've got a moment leave us a comment...we'd love to hear from you!

Here are directions to easily split the page:

1) Image --> Canvas Size
2)Width: cut the page width in 1/2 so if it is a 24" spread you'll cut it down to 12"
3)Click on the left facing arrow so that all the arrows move over
4) Click "OK"
5) Click "Proceed" when you get the canvas clipping message
6) Save your file as a .jpg to prepare for printing
7) In your undo history click beside the thumbnail of the LO which will take you all the way back to when you opened the file
8) Begin at step one again but this time click on the right facing arrow

Wednesday, December 3

A Camie Christmas Quickpage

Hello friends,

Since we have our new Christmas kit which won't hit our new store (still to be announced) for another week or so I thought I'd give away a couple of quickpages from the kit. Hurry and download them and pass the word along because once our store opens we'll be packaging them to sell! So, just click on the picture and it will take you to the download page. We'd love to hear from you so please leave a comment if you feel so inclined :)

Wednesday, November 19

Thanksgiving WordArt

Hello Friends,

Just a quick post here because I wanted to give you a little Thanksgiving wordart freebie! I haven't updated our new blog for the last week because I have been really busy designing our new Christmas kit. It has turned out SO pretty and I can't wait to show you. However, the other exciting news is that we will begin selling our designs at a very popular site that is opening a store. Hopefully things will be up and running by Nov 30th.

If you haven't downloaded the other freebies go ahead and do it b/c once we are in the store I'm going to be packaging the wordart for sale along with some other items. Never fear though, we'll continue offering freebies. So, pass the word along and get these freebies before they're gone!

As always, click on the picture to get to get your download. Comments and feedback are appreciated. Thanks!!

Monday, November 10

Monday Madness

What a crazy busy weekend but despite it all I actually got some designing done. My partner in crime, well designing, whipped out some more amazing designs - this time for Christmas and I'm so excited to get them into a full kit! I'll be working on that this week and maybe I'll get you a little sneak peak before then :) I'm currently looking for a store but don't worry - we'll have regular freebies for you even after we set up shop. So, to continue with the fall freebies here's one of my favorites from the Falling Into Fall kit. The paper is not included in the download - just the cross stitched title. So just click on the preview and it will take you right to the download page. Enjoy!!

Friday, November 7

Friday Freebie

Good afternoon. This is just a really short post because I have another freebie that I want to give you. The paper is from the Falling Into Fall kit but the wordart is something we made that I thought would be great for a Thanksgiving page. So, here you are... enjoy!

Click the image to go to the download page.

Monday, November 3

Hello Digital Scrapbooking World!

This is our first post as Camie Designs and we are so excited to be here. We are a digital scrapbooker and artist duo that decided to team up and offer digital scrapbookers what we love - high quality and unique products. Many of our designs are/will be hand drawn and so you will have the look of art on your scrapbook pages. I hope you really love and will use what we have to offer and we look forward to getting to know some of you in the months to come! Please let us know what products you would love to have. Since this is our introduction, we will be giving away our first kit, Falling Into Fall, on our blog over the next week or so. So stay tuned and let others know about it!
Here's a preview of the kit and the free goodie (click the preview below and it will take you to the download page). Please just leave a comment as you download. Check back tomorrow for another little give away!