Hey friends - I'm so glad you stopped by because I'm part of a fabulous blog train with LOTS of freebies!! Some of the designers at Faith Sisters are participating in the blog train and our theme this month is It's For The Birds. The color swatch is sooo pretty!! With all the mini kits you'll get to download you are going to have one ENORMOUS mega kit!
So, follow the train and get the freebie mini kits because they are only available free for a limited time. The mini-kits will then be combined into a collaboration kit which will be free with purchase at Faith Sister's.
4Shades of Blue: http://4shadesofbluedesigns.blogspot.com/
Adriana Hollenbeck: http://adriscreations.blogspot.com/
AEDesigns: www.aedigitaldesigns.com
Albums to Remember: http://albumstoremember.blogspot.com
AnaFlor: http://anaflordesign.blogspot.com
Audra's Little Scraps: http://audraslittlescraps.blogspot.com
Camie Designs: ***YOU ARE HERE***
Chelly Scraps: http://chelsant.blogspot.com/
Claudi Designs: http://www.scrapnfun.de/
Cre8tvlyYrs by Gina: http://www.cre8tvlyyrs.blogspot.com/
Dielle Designs: http://diellesdarlings.blogspot.com/
Digiscrapalicious: http://digiscrapalicious.blogspot.com/
Designs By Angel : http://scrappingwithangel.blogspot.com
Digital Compilations by Cinda: http://blog.digitalcompilations.com/
Digital Designs by Lisa: http:/digitaldesignsbylisa.blogspot.com/
Dragonfly Beach Designs: http://alumnaanimi.blogspot.com/
Eva Lindqvist Designs: http://everything-eva.blogspot.com/
Eyelets Scraps Designs: http://eyeletsscrapsdesigns.blogspot.com/
Glayce Cavalcante: http://glaycecavalcante.blogspot.com
Julie Marie Designs: http://juliemariedesigns.com/blog
JZDesigns: http://jbzwick.blogspot.com
Kreative Karma: http://thekreativekarma.blogspot.com
Lifesong Kreations: http://lifesongkreations.com
Merchi Makes It: http://www.merchimakesit.blogspot.com
Meredith Cardall: http://meredithcardall.blogspot.com
Michelle Batton: http://www.blog.mellowbutterfly.com/
Monique Drost: http://moniquedrost.blogspot.com/
Robin: http://robin-giftsyoucanfeelgoodabout.blogspot.com/
Sarah Morgan Designs: http://sarahmorgandesigns.blogspot.com/
Scrap Quest: http://www.scrapquest.com/
ScrapWarrior: http://www.scrapwarrior.com/blog/
Simply Susan: http://www.simplysusangodfrey.blogspot.com
Sweet Tomato Designs: http://sweettomatodesigns.blogspot.com/
TMA Designs: http://themathematiciansassistant.com
Willro&co: http://willrownco.blogspot.com/
LAST STOP! http://www.faithsisters.com
Reserve your spot in the forum today!!!